A to Z neighborhood scavenger chalk walk | Mommy and Me Monday | 530th ed


When the weather is nice, we try to have at least one outside walk a day, of course, keeping a safe distance from people we happen to see. We’ve been chalking neighbors driveways and trying to have fun.

ABC scavenger hunt in your neighborhood

This is a sponsored post for Juicy Juice, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

a to z scavenger hunt mommy and me monday

My sister sent a picture of her oldest drawing a scavenger hunt around their neighborhood with a letter and a drawing for each letter.

scavenger hunt chalk neighborhood

I loved the idea, and so did her neighborhood. But, with four kids walking and limited chalk, we simplified things quite a bit.

start of scavenger hunt A

We decided to walk the neighborhood (in a loop) and place the letters A to Z in order on driveways. If we had a sidewalk, that would have been the preference, but we are all used to walking in the street here.

We didn’t plan it out (except starting at the front of our neighborhood at the pool) and just sort of naturally felt where it would be good to place the next letter.

scavenger hunt in the neighborhood

This is what I posted in our neighborhood group once we were all finished:

chalk your walk a to z scavenger hunt

After I posted, neighbors posted pictures of their kids of all ages doing the hunt. Little kids enjoyed finding the letters and bigger kids attempted to name something in the area around the letter that started with that letter. 

We’ve lucked out that it hasn’t rained, so we still have it up a week later. 

Tips for a successful scavenger hunt:

  • Plan to bring drinks for everybody. It’s hot outside. We brought Juicy Juice Waters and Juicy Juice to make sure everybody stayed hydrated. 
  • Bring more chalk then you think you will need.
  • Plan what you will write/draw for your hunt. 
  • Consider drawing arrows to guide you to the next letter/clue. 
  • Offer ways to change it up. When we did letters, we suggested ways to make it more advanced.
    • Find something that starts with the letter nearby.
    • List something that starts with the letter.
    • Consider a theme and list something that starts with that letter within the theme (animals, food, friends, etc).
  • Plan for it to take about 60-90 minutes depending on the size of your neighborhood and what you draw.
  • Stay safe.
  • Make it a loop so you start and end near the same spots. 
  • Keep people on sidewalks and/or the same side of the street so they aren’t crossing back and forth. 
  • Remember when you walk, you should walk into the direction of traffic.
  • Make your letters or clues BIG.
  • Have fun!

Scavenger hunt you did it

Because this is such a crazy time, if you are stuck inside, consider making a Time Capsule of things you do together or how you are passing the time. To switch it up, you could also write down all the things you want to do and can’t for when we can finally do things again. You’ll have a little bucket list of activities to do. 


GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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