Baby gooroo for your breastfeeding support and needs {giveaway}
I’ve breastfed/ am breastfeeding my third kiddo. And you know what?
- I still have questions {seriously, every time is different}
- I still feel like everybody is staring at me when I breastfeed in public {yes, my issue, I know}
So, what I’m saying here is I still need help. I need resources and it’s okay! You can get help at! Their mission is to give parents the knowledge, skill, and confidence they need to keep their babies healthy and safe. While it focuses on health, nutrition, and safety, the emphasis is on breastfeeding.
Baby gooroo aims to provides a safe and secure space for parents with questions and the ability to get and leave with answers! Parents learn, teach, search, and share on this site and if they can’t find an answer, they can ask a gooroo!
The president of the company, Amy Spangler, MN, RN, IBCLC, has authored numerous highly regarded books on breastfeeding and lectured extensively on the health of mothers, babies, and families. Her first book, Breastfeeding, A Parent’s Guide, was released in 1985 and has sold over a million copies.
In 2010, this all-inclusive guide was released in its 9th edition, staying true to the “keep it simple” philosophy that has helped make Spangler’s books and products so popular with parents and health professionals. It’s full of helpful tips, pictures, advice and more. And, it’s real and simple and doable. It can help give you confidence and have a resource at hand to get your answers.
It’s sad, but statistics show that few mothers breastfeed exclusively and even fewer breastfeed for an extended period of time (<– this is not a dig at you if you don’t/didn’t/couldn’t breastfeed). I know there are many reasons, but a big part of it is that society makes it hard and in some ways even looks down on it. In an effort to help mothers understand that breastfeeding is the normal way to feed a baby and to highlight the importance of mother’s milk, baby gooroo has educational materials that put the information in parents hands and the confidence they need to achieve their breastfeeding goals (<–see how people react when you tell them that your baby is breastfeeding at 11.5 months. And that they won’t take a bottle. Yep, it happens!)
In 2009, baby gooroo expanded its product line to include a variety of baby soft products, each imprinted with an original baby animal design and an important message supporting breastfeeding (“Mom’s milk keeps me a-float!”). The towels and washcloths are much larger than standard baby ones (37 x 37 inches) and are still large on our almost one year old. And oh so soft, too (100 percent Peruvian Pima cotton). It is so nice and heavy duty, I even got it out and used it as a blanket for her.
Visit their store where you can order breastfeeding books, bookmarks, brochures, DVDs, and an assortment of baby soft items, such as caps, bibs, and burp cloths.
Baby gooroo would like to pass along A Parent’s Guide to Breastfeeding book, a bookmark and brochure to help with all of your breastfeeding questions.
*Product received to facilitate my review. This is a sponsored post. All thoughts are my own.
I’m so excited about this giveaway. My 4th child is due in just 10 weeks, so the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Breastfeeding IS different with every child. Even though I have had the desire to breastfeed all of my children I feel like I only had a successful experience with my second child. The first time I didn’t have a clue what I was doing or who to ask for help and my third child had medical issues that kept him in and out of the hospital for the first two months, so my milk never really came in like it should have. I did the best I could, but I wish I had had some better resources!
That first time? Scary as all get out isn’t it?
We do the best we can and we can’t beat ourselves up. Easier said than done, right?
I agree they are all totally different and I had questions with the third one too. I also found the 3rd one to be the most painful:( Good for you for breastfeeding this long. I had to stop early with Lilah:(
My first was my most painful for sure. Second was a cake walk..and I guess because there was such a gap between the second and third.
I BF my daughter til 12.5 months… so thankful that I was able to give her a healthy start.
(going back to work made it so much more difficult- but in the end totally worth it)
Going back to work was so hard. I didn’t enjoy pumping but I knew it was so important.
I’m expecting my first, so I think I would save this book for myself.
it would be a gift for my friend
It would be for me. We are expecting our first child in May.
Congratulations on your baby coming up! Definitely something to have as a tool.
I’m currently nursing my third child, and I think my NIP giveaflip broke about eight years ago. If they want to give me a look, I’ll look them straight in the eye and grin. I have nothing to apologize for!
I don’t know why…I guess I just don’t like people looking at me….it’s totally my issues..and honestly, I don’t like it even when I’m not nursing.
I am currently BF my third, she is 21 months. She has a rare food disorder called FPIES and BM is all she can tolerate. My milk is the only thing not making her sick. Even with that, top GI’s were trying to get me to stop nursing her at 8 months old because “Breast milk is not an adequate sole source of nutrition after 5 months” and give her medical grade formula (this is a life saving God send for some kiddo’s). I refused but did give the formula a try as a supplement….and she reacted. Now at 21 months she is tiny but STRONG, full of energy, developmentally ahead and when people find out what she has they are shocked because she looks so good. I am thankful everyday I could do this for all of my kiddo’s. There have been and still are obstacles, the amount of misinformation I have gotten is astounding and not to mention the countless times I was told my milk wasn’t good enough is amazing. Nurse on Mama’s! If you can and want to, there is NO reason not too!
Wow, I’ve never heard of that before. I’m always shocked when the medical community is in such a hurry to take our kids off of the milk that is made especially for them.
So glad your daughter is doing so well.
I’d keep it! I had a baby two weeks ago and I’m nursing. I feel like I have lots of questions and need some support