Building Things | Mommy and Me Monday | 308th ed
When it comes to building and putting things together, I’m really good at it. I like following the directions and the steps. So, maybe that’s more putting things together and not building. I’ve never really built anything from scratch. Well, I’m going to call it building.
We got an entertainment table for under the TV in our bonus room (because it was a mess…you can see what we were using in the background). The box was huge and I asked Mr. Serious to help me build it this weekend. He decided that getting on the elliptical machine was a better solution, so I said I’d do it myself. Well, the 9 and 7 year old ears were listening and said they would help. Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to their help, but I let them. Mr. Serious said he was going to be on the elliptical for 1 hour and that we would be working on it much after he got off of it.
I took that as a challenge and I think the girls did, too. They kept asking how much longer he had left every so often.
Turns out, they are pretty good at following directions, too (well, when they want to). And, they are pretty patient with screwdrivers, too. They didn’t get discouraged when it took them a while to get a screw started, and I only got frustrated when the football game distracted them. Getting that top piece on involved lining on 12 screws / wooden dowels. Mr. Serious was certain he was going to have to help and even offered to get off of the elliptical. We declined. We’ve got this!
Mr. Serious was kind enough to slow his pace to take two pictures. Unfortunately, not enough to reduce the blur. Good thing we will have this memory of putting this together in our heads, too.
Of course, we had to take a picture of the final product. Now, we just need some baskets to replace those ugly boxes…we are a work in progress around here. And, maybe something to pull all of those cords together, too.
While I wasn’t excited about the girls working with me, I was so happy they did and stuck with it until the end. Not only did we all feel good about finishing it and having something to visualize our accomplishment, but we also showed Mr. Serious we could do it (although, come to think of it, maybe that’s exactly what he wanted!)
What were you up to this week?
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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.
Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.
I love the entertainment center. It looks nice.
good job girls!!!!!
Yes, all part of my evil plan to never assemble any furniture.
Aww, that is awesome!! Good job guys! (Or girls, as the case may be)
Girl power! 😉 Looks great. I like the style of that table. I love putting things together and my 6 year old is also a huge fan of helping.
That’s nice that you let them help. I’m not good myself at putting things together.