Girls, you did so well at your well-child check-ups this week. I was quite nervous going into it. I wasn’t sure which immunizations would be suggested and what all would happen at the appointment. (Next time, I’ll do my research, but I’m pretty sure that next year won’t be so good to you little sis).
We all answered the nurse’s and doctor’s questions together. You both separately went and got weighed and measured (#1 you are 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. #2 you were 60th for both!) Girls you are getting so big and so grown up. You got into your gowns on your own. You (fairly) patiently waited for the doctor to come in and check your sister over.
You both had everything checked out, but you were most impressed and excited about the stethoscope. And, the doctor was super nice and let you play with it.
After all, you are telling us you want to be a doctor! I think you did a great job with your sister. So gentle and telling her what you were doing.
And, you silly girl, you wanted to listen to your belly and your back, just like the doctor did. And, of course, you gave me a super sassy look, too.
You got dressed again, and we waited for the nurse for your one shot each (yes, we decided to go ahead and get flu shots this year). #2, you volunteered to go first, and when the nurse did it, so said the cutest and saddest little “owww” and then it was over. #1, you gave me a look and then it was over. Neither one of you cried! You really impressed me.
Then, we got in the car, and headed off to get a treat. A “new drink” for each of you aka a slushy from the gas station and some Reese’s pieces.
It was probably our most successful well-child check-up to date. Thank you so much for super exceeding my expectations. You girls rock!
I’m linking up here. Go and visit their Wordful and Wordless Wednesdays.
WOW, no tears? I hope to be there one day. Evan was the only one with shots during our well visit and did fine until they brought in the 4 needles. 🙁
He turned 4, right? Those shots and that visit was terrible. Iz got 6 of them and Nat got like 4 last year!
Next year, should be much better!
i can’t believe they didn’t even cry!! that is seriously awesome! and the two of them in their little gowns? how cute is that!! (we don’t do that?!?) and super yay for the after shot treat!
Really, no gowns? Just nakkie babies? Well, that could be fun, too!
Too cute…both of them! And I’m loving that bandaid! My kind of girl, there!
You should hear her say “band aid”…it’s pretty much adorable.
great news on the “no tears”. What big brave girls. I still remember Iz’s first set of shots. I was there with you. Iz started screaming, you were crying, and I was crying. The nurse said she was about to cry. So glad for you things have changed since that day.
They are so sweet to eachother
They really are..well, at least like 90% of the time:)
Yay for a successful wellness-check! They are adorable! 🙂
Thank you! They are getting so creative together.
Isn’t it great when life surprises you like that? Almost makes up for the times it does not! 🙂
Yes, it really is! And, you are right, definitely makes up for the times when I pretty much know how it’s going to go down!
A successful visit to the doctor feels a lot like winning the parenting lottery. Way to go, Mama!
If only I played the real lotto…then we could have gotten some better treats, right?
I’m so impressed at how well they handled the shot! They’re so cute with their little mini-nurse/doctor behavior. 🙂
Believe me…so was I!
You should see them take each others temperature…using and ear thermometer of course.
Wow! What good sports! I love the pics too. So cute. 🙂
Seriously, I had no idea they had it in them! Thank goodness.
Awww what big girls! LOVE the pics 🙂
Seriously…when did they get so big?
Awww!! they really are growing up. Glad they did so well. Neither cried? Impressive! My 4 yo daughter screamed and kicked, I had to hold her down, it was embarrassing.
Oh, last year, the 4 yo shots were terrible. She limped for like 3 days! It was way too many shots. This time they just had one each! Whew….
I need to get The Dudes flu shots! Thanks for the reminder and the adorable post!
Hope you got them taken care of. The flu is really not fun!
Aww, love the pictures and I can’t believe they didn’t cry! super impressive!!
It was shocking to me as well!
Your little “doctors” are so cute. Glad they did so well. It’s always stressful for me too!
I’m so very glad they did, too! It was a breath of fresh air.
Even Henry will cry, well he laugh/cries, and he’s almost 8! Your girls rocked it.
I was so glad it was only one shot this time for each of them! And, it helped that Nat went first and didn’t cry! The reverse would have gone pretty poorly, I think.
I’m impressed! My girls are 10 and 12 and think needles are evil. Sig. I’ve gone wrong somewhere.
Honestly, I think I had a mommy lucking out moment. Here’s hoping it’s just as good next year!
#grabbed[N –
Krystyn, these children are so adorable. I wonder if they’ll grow up to be nurses and doctors? Such brave children to not even flinch at the doctors!