Holiday in the Park | Mommy and Me Monday | 249th ed


Brrrr….it’s been cold here this week! Like below 20 at the bus stop a couple mornings. I am not ready for this cold at.all. Thankfully, it warmed up a little by Friday because we headed to a preview of Holiday in the Park at Six Flags.

N decided she wanted to check out as many rides as she was tall enough for with Mr. Serious. The rest of us headed to the train to visit Santa. 

Mommy and Me Monday | Holiday in the Park | Six Flags Over Georgia

Of course, we had to stop and get a selfie. Poor B is there, but her sisters kept blocking her. Once the sun went down, it definitely got colder, but we stayed on the move and did alright. 

It’s November and we’ve already seen Santa, so we bypassed the line and went to write Santa a note. My little second grader is such an awesome writer and speller (mom brag), so she didn’t even ask for any help. She even helped E write a note to Santa, too, which was mostly a traced hand and some scribbles. Hopefully, Santa has a good translator.

Mommy and Me Monday | Holiday in the Park | Six Flags Over Georgia

These girls know a good photo opportunity when they see one. “Mom, let’s go in there. Take our picture with our friend.” You got it!

Mommy and Me Monday | Holiday in the Park | Six Flags Over Georgia

“Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?”

We walked through the peach-colored lights and peach shapes paying homage to Georgia’s roots en route to the live show, “Because It’s Christmas” in the historic Crystal Pistol Music Hall.

Mommy and Me Monday | Holiday in the Park | Six Flags Over Georgia

Two words “Tear Jerker.” It was such a cute show and not only did it keep us entertained, but the kids enjoyed it, too. B kept dancing during all of the songs!

Before everything started, we were able to catch the lighting of the Christmas tree up close and personal. The girls were actually standing right in front of the tree and they loved it.

Mommy and Me Monday | Holiday in the Park | Six Flags Over Georgia

It was a great evening out for our family because there was something to do for all of us. The rides were open and running, the shows were playing, letters to Santa were written and fun was had by all.

Holiday in the Park® runs now through January 4, 2015 on select days. Thank you to Six Flags over Georgia for hosting our family.

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.*

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  1. I didn’t realize that Six Flags did holiday events also. I’ll have to see if the Six Flags New England by us does the same — although I imagine it will be much colder!

  2. What a beautiful tree! Even though I’m in Thanksgiving day mode, I am super excited to enjoy the Christmas season with my little ones this year. (ages 5, 3, and 17 months!) Looks like a fun event!

  3. We are going to Holiday in the Park at the Six Flags in Texas on Friday. I cannot wait! It is so much fun. Glad you all had a good time!

  4. What fun! And what adorable photos. I still haven’t been to Six Flags New England. I know my boys would love it.

  5. Looks so fun! I knew Six Flags did a Halloween celebration but I didn’t know about the holidays! I may try and get there!

  6. Holiday in the Park sounds so fun for getting in the Christmas spirit! I had no idea that Six Flags did all this for the holiday season! Do you know if it happens at all Six Flags locations?

  7. I didn’t know they had Holiday events like this at 6 Flags! I’ve only been to the Halloween events. Even in the cold it looks like you had a great time!

  8. I know its everyone’s favorite time of the year but this is my absolute favorite time of the year because of your pictures. All those beautiful smiling faces excited about the upcoming season.

  9. Wow! That is unseasonally cold for you. Yikes!
    I don’t think the Six Flags is even open around here anymore. I think it closes for the season after Halloween. Sure does look like fun!

  10. So cute! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. We do a Special Needs Night with Santa every year, and this time, I’m hoping my youngest will muster up the courage to actually get near St. Nick.

  11. Jennifer Shelton says:

    I would love to visit this! I bet it is beautiful!

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