Pony Rides | Mommy and Me Monday | The 156th ed


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.

Our friends know how to throw a birthday party. They surprised their 5 year old daughter with ponies to ride during the party. I would never think to do something like that. It was totally awesome and of course the kiddos loved it. 

I wanted to set E on the horse with her sister for the sake of a picture, but Mr. Serious looked at me like I was crazy. (Yes, I would have held her, and it had a seatbelt). But, instead a picture for Mommy and Me Monday was born, so it’s all good.

Riding on a pony | Mommy and Me Monday

{I mentioned last week I wanted to use my camera this week. Voila. Done!}

Please. Somebody tell me when she got to be so darn big. Like she put her foot in the stirrup, swung her leg over the top and got on that pony all by herself? Disbelief here.

Riding on a pony | Mommy and Me Monday

And this one? So much spunk and personality these days. Combined with sweet? I can’t handle it. (Ironically, her shirt says “sugar and spice” on it!)

Riding on a pony | Mommy and Me Monday

They’ve already asked if they can have ponies at their birthday party. I’m betting they won’t forget, either!

Mommy and Me Monday at  Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

I try to make sure and visit all of you and leave some comment love.  Please spread the love!  And, I never mind the comments, either:)

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  1. Glad your girls had so much fun!
    You’re inspiring me to use my real camera instead of my iPhone this week to capture something of A.J. and I for your post/link next week.

  2. They definitely won’t forget! Cute pics, looks like it was a fun party!

  3. Pony rides?!?! That is so cool. I am glad the girls enjoyed it. They look SO happy to be on those ponies.

    1. I know…Mr. Serious even said something about a hobby…um, that’s a little expensive!

  4. grandma pat says:

    what a fun idea for a birthday. Looks like the girls had a lot of fun and they are geting big way too quickly.

    1. Thanks, hon. Amazingly, I’ve kept up with them for a while, too.

  5. It looks like they had a great time! And frickin’ ponies?! How are you supposed to top that? 😉 Glad that you all had such a fun day!

  6. love it… my son would have a blast!
    we saw pony rides before Christmas … but we didn’t make it in time 🙁

    1. There were a couple boys there that were loving it, too!

  7. mrs. hils says:

    Did the ponies walk up and down the sidewalk? Were all the neighborhood kids gawking out their windows? Did Miss BIrthday C. freak out?

    1. No, up and down the street. I think most of the neighbor kids were at the party:)

      And we got there a little late so we missed the freak out:( But she was very happy.

  8. uhm now i want to have my birthday party with pony rides next week!!

  9. those are awesome photos you will treasure those in the future.

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