Three out of four | Mommy and Me Monday | 246th ed
I’ve been trying to make an effort to make sure to get time with each of my girls separate from their sisters. I think it helps us all flow a little better and remember how to talk to each other when we are frustrated.
E’s thing recently is to ask us to snuggle/cuddle with her on the couch. With a blanket. It’s pretty nice that she wants to do this and she’s usually pretty still and quite cuddly. (Not related, she will randomly ask if I’m frustrated. How does she even know this word?)
B lucks out. She gets the most one-on-one mommy time right now. It won’t be long before it changes. So, I shall savor those additional times together. Even at 12am and 4am. Maybe savor isn’t quite the right word. Thank goodness she’s so darn cute.
N was nominated for “Terrific Kids” at her school for the month of September. The word was “integrity” and was defined by her principal as “doing the right thing even when nobody is looking!” They had their awards ceremony on Halloween and even though she wanted me to bring B with me, I went all by myself. Just to acknowledge and celebrate her. It was nice just being with her. We also went to the grocery store together for our week’s shop and man, this girl can talk!
The oldest and I (see why I can’t call her “I”…it would be “I” and I and that’s confusing) spent some time together trying to get the computer set up for her to do some research on the Arctic Fox. The setting up part didn’t go so well (parental controls and account set up on the mac are confusing me), but we did get some research and her project a little closer to completion. I had to throw Maleficent in because I couldn’t not have all four girls represented!
We didn’t remember to get a picture together on Halloween, but thankfully we got one at trunk or treat earlier in the week. I love that my girls switch up their costumes and pull from stuff we have on hand! Another year and we didn’t buy a single costume or accessory. Mr. Serious called the oldest two “surf and turf” Ariels, or as they said “Land Ariel” and “Sea Ariel!” Poor Repunzel was too distracted to look at daddy!
How do you make sure you get one-on-one time with your kids? Did you go Trick or Treating this year?
It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.
**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.*
I love these photos! We do ‘date nights’ with our kids. Hubs takes one kid, I take the other. Sometimes we go out, sometimes we divide the house and spend time with each kid.
I think we have to start doing that…taking the kids out separately and have their own mommy and daddy time. We always go out together. Thanks for the linky…I don’t usually take pictures with my kids..I’m always the one taking the picture. But I’m trying to change that 🙂
Aww, such great occasions for one-on-one time and what a super cute photo of you all! We took Amelia to BeachesMoms for this reason. We had so many vacations where it was all about her having fun with us, and Andrew would have been miserable in the heat. It was nice to have time together like the old “just the three of us”. And yes – Halloween! Our look is in the post I linked up 🙂
We did manage to trick or treat, although it was raining on us…
but it was super fun for B- so I would not trade it for anything 🙂
I felt kind of bad I didn’t get a pic with Kay this week. Need to focus more on the one on one time! You’re so right, it does improve the family dynamic a lot.
That’s awesome you are able to have one on one time with them. I know it has to mean the world to them! I can imagine E asking if you are frustrated! And N at the grocery store…had to be too fun! I love how chatty she is.
I am having one-on-one with the middle guy today since he is out of school for voting and the oldest is on a trip with his Dad. I love to see how differently they act when by themselves. It is very interesting as a mother! 🙂
Love all the photos, as usual.
I’m so happy your girls got all that one on one time! Perfect trick or treating group, too!!
I don’t have any kids, but I know how important one-on-one interaction is for kids. Just to let them know you are paying attention to only them.
Loving the costumes! The pumpkin costume is adorable!
Ha! Surf and turf. That’s too cute!
One on one time is so important. I was just thinking about how I need to take each of my boys with me, one at a time, for a mommy/son date. Lunch or a movie or something. I get plenty of fun one on one time with Grace right now but not as much with the boys anymore.
Ive been struggling with being pulled in two directions with my girls. My youngest always races to the bed to lay with me before her sister which creates some sibling rivalry. I need a better one on one plan.