11 of the Most Awesome Things About Being a Mom of Redheads


My little redheaded unicorns are such amazing little people. I hear comments about them on a daily basis, sometimes hourly or even by the minute in public. And, my lone-non-redhead, too. Sheā€™s my own special rainbow baby.

There are some awesome things about having redheads that some people might not realize. And no, Iā€™m not talking about them having personalities to ā€œmatch their red hair.ā€ What does that even mean?

11 of the Most Awesome Things About Being a Mom of Redheads

Red head mom

So, I present the top 11. Because once I started writing 10, I ended up with a bonus and I had to cut myself off at some point.

You canā€™t get that in a box.

I have hair envy. Even if I wanted to color my hair that color, I wouldnā€™t be able to. You really canā€™t get that from a box.

12 of the Most Awesome Things About Being a Mom of Redheads

Easy to spot in a crowd

I can only imagine when my mom was at a school play or musical and the entire grade was on stage. I think it would have been impossible to find me. With our little reds, I hardly have to blink to find them on stage or in a crowd. Their hair practically glows. And, with something like 2% of the population having red hair, my chances of falsely finding them are pretty slim.

Creative Emojis

Apple has yet to release a little redheaded emoji. Itā€™s okay, though, they recently added a unicorn and thatā€™s even more awesome. The trick with three redheads is trying to distinguish who Iā€™m talking about.

red head majestic unicorn

Redheads donā€™t grey

ā€¦.they just fade away. I was recently told this by an older previously redheaded woman who had completely white hair. So, while I know I will go grey, knowing my kids wonā€™t stress about it is a plus.

Iā€™m an expert at all things sun protection

We have sun envy. Like if the girls can see it, they will get a sunburn. So, we have to experts in rash guards, sun block/ sun screen and hats. As me about one, and I probably have an opinion.

The jewel tones

I love jewel tones and they look okay on me, but my girls, they can rock jewel tones like no one else. And, they are trendy right now so finding clothes for them is super easy.

The nicknames

Redheads rock fun nicknames like ā€œgingerā€ and ā€œred.ā€ Some people might not like them, and we donā€™t use them oftenā€¦but they are fun and different from shortening their names. Iā€™m more partial to ā€œredā€ by the way.

I can say my redheads mutants

Not like the TMNT, but their red hair. Apparently, the recessive gene that causes red hair is actually a gene mutation. This gene mutation is also why red hair sometimes skips many generations.

We always get noticed

Even sometimes if people are saying something ridiculous to us (did you see my 7 things you should never say to a mom of redhead?) they notice us. And, most of the time, they have something really nice to say. A shoutout to the lady last night that came up to us and said ā€œyou have a beautiful family!ā€ You canā€™t ever go wrong with that!

The Freckles

Just like me, my girls are way more likely to have freckles. All the freckles. And, who doesnā€™t love freckles?

The people

When we are out and about, people come up to me to tell me about their redheads; their son/daughter, their grandchild, their niece. Everybody knows a redhead and they love to tell the stories. Itā€™s a way to connect to other people on common grounds. And, the stories are awesome pretty awesome!

2015 09 05 16 15 23

Being a mom is awesome. Being a mom of all girls is awesome. Being a mom of three redheaded girls is awesome! Of course, I have said that people shouldnā€™t make all the redhead comments all the time, but the reality is, it happens every single day and they are very appreciative of all of the compliments!

Like this post? Check out this one:

7 things to never say to a mom of a redhead

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  1. Your family is lovely! “Easy to spot in a crowd” is my favorite one, I’m sure you can find them quickly when they’re playing at the park. I’m sure you’ve heard some crazy comments about your redheads, I’m going to click over to read about them now.

    1. Yes! They almost reflect the light with their hair and light skin:)

      And, yes, some crazy ones, too!

  2. I love being a red head. Given it is fake buy I just love the color. N looks so grown up in this picture!

    1. I’ve done red several times. In fact, I actually just found a box in my linen closet.

      And, yes, let’s not discuss the teenager-likeness of these girls!

  3. You forgot the best perk of redhead children! You can dye your hair red and everyone will think it is natural! Not that I have any experience with this šŸ˜‰

    1. I don’t think people would buy it…even though sometimes people thing I have red hair! It’s crazy!

  4. Elisabeth says:

    Growing up, I always wanted red hair! I just think it’s so pretty!

  5. mrs. hils says:

    I agree with Meghan-who took away little N? Maybe its the long hair, but she looks older than her years!

  6. People comment on my son’s red hair all the time. He told me once (while smiling), “they like me because I have red hair.” Haha.

  7. This is such a lovely post! Your girls are gorgeous!! I know one girl with red hair, and I think it’s awesome! Also, I didn’t know only 2% of the population has red hair. Way neat!

  8. Your posts are great! As a mom to a beautiful little red headed baby boy (I was THRILLED when I discovered he was a redhead! The first words out of the doctorā€™s mouth were, ā€œhe is a ginge! I have a ginge at home!ā€), I find your posts funny and so relatable. Itā€™s like the moms of redheads are a secret society of women that have given birth to pure awesomeness. The bingo post was the best!! Your family is adorable.

    1. Thank you so much, Brandi! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and your compliments! They are definitely awesome and it sure is a secret society…and the parents without don’t quite get it, do they?

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