And then I met Marlon Wayans
I sometimes get invited to some interesting things, but when the timing works out, I figure what the heck, let’s go for it.
So, I went to a reception for a screening of a movie (which ironically I wasn’t invited to).
And there was this huge bowl of guacamole. How many avocados are even in that?
And I noticed that I was the token white girl at the event. But, if I hadn’t noticed, Marlon Wayans did and called me on it. He was all “oh, a white girl has a question.” And I did. And he answered. (I asked about getting together with his family…I’m sure it would be a hoot to be a fly on the wall!)
And then I was trying to get a picture with him (along with a few million other people, okay, more like 30 but they were crazy) and some dude pushed past me, got his picture and then handed Mr. Wayans a CD “listen to it on your way home, bro….it’s me…that’s good stuff.” I guess that works for people. Whatever. No respect for a dude that pushes a patiently waiting woman. You wait your turn, dude.
And then I got my picture with Marlon Wayans (who apparently was either a) smiled out or b) doesn’t smile for pictures) because that’s what you do when you go to a reception for an actor’s new movie that you haven’t had a chance to see.
I’m sorry. Did I read that right? Did you say patiently waiting PREGNANT woman!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?
Ummmm…did I write that? I just had to go edit. No….definitely not pregnant. In fact, this momma just had a visitor after almost 19 months off! (this is what happens when you are doing 9 things at once and reading something that somebody else said pregnant on!)
I have the same question as Christine! Really? Are more congratulations in order????
Ummmm…did I write that? I just had to go edit. No….definitely not pregnant. In fact, this momma just had a visitor after almost 19 months off! (this is what happens when you are doing 9 things at once and reading something that somebody else said pregnant on!) Seriously…I’m crazy!
I guess after all those photos the smiles start to become hard work….. it does look very serious. Maybe the pushy guy pissed him off too
Actually, I was watching..I don’t think he smiled at all…men do that weird no smile thing, I guess.
I was wondering if the pushy guy bugged him. I’m sure he gets it a lot.
Gotta love douchebags
Yeah, I couldn’t believe the guy!
Well, that is certainly an interesting story you’ll have to tell 🙂 And I agree, hanging out with his family would probably be hilarious!
I had to come write about it as soon as I got home so I didn’t forget!
Oh to be a fly on the wall.
That is so awesome!!! I still got pictures in my head of his body in G.I. Joe. Ha ha ha!!!
I don’t think I saw that one..but I can imagine:)
Celeb sighting! Very cool. And that guacamole looks like it was worth the trip!
Well, not really a was an event. I don’t think I’d walk up to a celeb and ask for a picture:)
Surprisingly, I didn’t eat any of that guac, either.
OH. MY. That is so awesome. Once I met Paris Hilton at the airport. I was all “Umm I live in Canada and Canada loves you. Can I get a picture with you?” Yea, it went awkwardly down like that. I’m also happy to report that I did not get herpes standing next to her.
Did you get a picture? That’s pretty cool. Glad there was no transmission of diseases, either:)
That’s awesome! I love him! So freaking funny. Good question for him too. His whole family is hysterical. Those get togethers must be something! 🙂
Yeah, he said that they all have so many kids that he wants a quota put on it…and that you have to get there early if you want to eat.
You should’ve asked him where he got his hat from. That hat is seriously cool 😀
And no guac? I’m curious to know why you didn’t try it.
I should have!
And, two reasons.
1) I’m counting calories and didn’t want to indulge when I didn’t make it because
2) I don’t like raw onions or fresh garlic (makes me sick) and most of the time it’s loaded with that at restaurants:)
I don’t think he smiles for pictures… as in I don’t think I have ever noticed one..
yeah, I enjoy watching celebs… shhhhhh
Hmmm…interesting fact!
Oddly, just watched him on Live! with Kelly and Michael…