And then I met Marlon Wayans


I sometimes get invited to some interesting things, but when the timing works out, I figure what the heck, let’s go for it.

So, I went to a reception for a screening of a movie (which ironically I wasn’t invited to).

And there was this huge bowl of guacamole. How many avocados are even in that?

big bowl of guacamole

And I noticed that I was the token white girl at the event. But, if I hadn’t noticed, Marlon Wayans did and called me on it. He was all “oh, a white girl has a question.” And I did. And he answered. (I asked about getting together with his family…I’m sure it would be a hoot to be a fly on the wall!)

And then I was trying to get a picture with him (along with a few million other people, okay, more like 30 but they were crazy) and some dude pushed past me, got his picture and then handed Mr. Wayans a CD “listen to it on your way home, bro….it’s me…that’s good stuff.” I guess that works for people. Whatever. No respect for a dude that pushes a patiently waiting woman. You wait your turn, dude.

And then I got my picture with Marlon Wayans (who apparently was either a) smiled out or b) doesn’t smile for pictures) because that’s what you do when you go to a reception for an actor’s new movie that you haven’t had a chance to see. 

meeting Marlon Wayans

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    1. Ummmm…did I write that? I just had to go edit. No….definitely not pregnant. In fact, this momma just had a visitor after almost 19 months off! (this is what happens when you are doing 9 things at once and reading something that somebody else said pregnant on!)

  1. I have the same question as Christine! Really? Are more congratulations in order????

    1. Ummmm…did I write that? I just had to go edit. No….definitely not pregnant. In fact, this momma just had a visitor after almost 19 months off! (this is what happens when you are doing 9 things at once and reading something that somebody else said pregnant on!) Seriously…I’m crazy!

  2. I guess after all those photos the smiles start to become hard work….. it does look very serious. Maybe the pushy guy pissed him off too


    1. Actually, I was watching..I don’t think he smiled at all…men do that weird no smile thing, I guess.

      I was wondering if the pushy guy bugged him. I’m sure he gets it a lot.

  3. Well, that is certainly an interesting story you’ll have to tell 🙂 And I agree, hanging out with his family would probably be hilarious!

    1. I had to come write about it as soon as I got home so I didn’t forget!

      Oh to be a fly on the wall.

  4. That is so awesome!!! I still got pictures in my head of his body in G.I. Joe. Ha ha ha!!!

    1. Well, not really a was an event. I don’t think I’d walk up to a celeb and ask for a picture:)

      Surprisingly, I didn’t eat any of that guac, either.

  5. OH. MY. That is so awesome. Once I met Paris Hilton at the airport. I was all “Umm I live in Canada and Canada loves you. Can I get a picture with you?” Yea, it went awkwardly down like that. I’m also happy to report that I did not get herpes standing next to her.

    1. Did you get a picture? That’s pretty cool. Glad there was no transmission of diseases, either:)

  6. That’s awesome! I love him! So freaking funny. Good question for him too. His whole family is hysterical. Those get togethers must be something! 🙂

    1. Yeah, he said that they all have so many kids that he wants a quota put on it…and that you have to get there early if you want to eat.

  7. Amanda Phillips says:

    You should’ve asked him where he got his hat from. That hat is seriously cool 😀

    And no guac? I’m curious to know why you didn’t try it.

    1. I should have!

      And, two reasons.

      1) I’m counting calories and didn’t want to indulge when I didn’t make it because
      2) I don’t like raw onions or fresh garlic (makes me sick) and most of the time it’s loaded with that at restaurants:)

  8. I don’t think he smiles for pictures… as in I don’t think I have ever noticed one..
    yeah, I enjoy watching celebs… shhhhhh

    1. Hmmm…interesting fact!

      Oddly, just watched him on Live! with Kelly and Michael…

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