Family at the Race and Squish | Mommy and Me Monday | 709th ed
B loves to grab my phone and start taking silly pictures. So, if a picture is taken by her, it’s fair game, right? She’s a cute little goof! (And not to worry, I really won’t include them if she doesn’t like them…she just asked me to find this one!)
See…grabs phone and says “smile!” But then she never smiles and always makes a silly or goofy face. These are prefered to her emotionless faces where she looks like she’s posing for a picture that has like a 20 second exposure time.
And one from the race this weekend. The oldest competed in the championship varsity race and had a season pr on a super hard course. She was so proud of herself and I even caught a video of a little pump she did when she crossed the line and saw her time! Woohoo!
This weekend is another race with all the kids. It’s a long morning, but worth it to see them all race on a super fast course!
What did you do this week?
GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!
It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.