Family dinner and fun | Mommy and Me Monday | 656th ed


Another weekend, another race for N and E and coaching for me. I still haven’t mastered getting pictures and being in coach mode and mom mode simultaneously. Thankfully, lots of parents get race pictures for me.

And, one was a bit grumpy post-race, but N was happy to grab a picture with me at home.

post race mommy and me monday

We had decided that we all had a “free” evening and that we should have a family dinner out. Between cheer, running, homework, regular work and life, all of us sitting down together at a restaurant has become increasingly rare.

This little monkey was in a mood at dinner, but approved a picture together.

family dinner post race mommy and me monday

The view of the goobers in the back seat had to be captured. I never saw the end result of this picture (at the longest red light in history), but I can only imagine the gem that it is.

family car sillies mommy and me monday

What did you do this week?

GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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