Honored and A Run | Mommy and Me Monday | 737th ed
E had a pretty big PR last week at her race, and because of that and the way she raced after skinning her knee (see large bandage a week later), shoulder and hip, the other coaches selected her as one of the runners to recognize. The other girl was out sick, so I did a stand in hand holding her gift card.
Our middle school team had the week off for racing, but we still needed to get our respective runs in. Between races at the high school, N ran with Mr. Serious and I ran with E and B. Of course, we forgot to take our picture after the run, but grabbed one at home after warming back up a bit.
It’s been a while, but B did a 45 minute run. She’s preparing for a 5K next weekend and didn’t want to jump right back into running. The adults and E are also running it while the oldest two are sitting it out…or maybe they’ll come cheer us on!
What did you do this week?
GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!
It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.