Haircuts by Mom | Mommy and Me Monday | 558th ed


First, the oldest asked for me to cut her hair. None of us could even remember the last time she had it cut. I hesitated. And said “we’ll see” about 1o times (maybe less), and she finally came to me with scissors, and a comb and spray bottle and said she wanted her hair cut. 

So I did it. And, it wasn’t half bad. Like it actually was a pretty good hair cut. She liked it, too, which was a bonus.

Then, the youngest said she wanted hers cut. I figured there would be zero follow-through for her. I had been saying for a while she needed a haircut because it so easily tangled. 

But, after a few days of saying it, I realized she was ready.

Back to the backyard with the chair, some scissors (yes, I used fabric scissors), water and a comb. I now understand why people that cut hair use chairs that allow you to adjust the height. 

Look how long her hair is. 

before b's haircut with mom

Time to get to cutting. Here’s where I totally faked it and did things I have seen people do when they cut my hair. Yep, this is me winging it. 

cutting hair at home

And since I don’t have a holster for my hair supplies, my mouth is a natural place for the comb, right? (Don’t you love that Nanny McPhee smile?)

cutting b's hair

Then one final check to make sure things are sort of kind of half-way even and won’t look lopsided. 

haircut at home with mom

She was and is quite happy with the result, so I call it another win. I’m definitely increasing my domestic skill set during these crazy times. But, I think I’ll be okay returning this to the professionals when the time feels right. I’ve already lost track of the number of haircuts I’ve given Mr. Serious…and he’s now insisting on a fade, because he likes to challenge me, too. 

haircut at home with mom

Do I let the kids give it a go with my hair? It’s in need of a cut, too!


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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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