60+ Awesome Trivia Questions for Kids (and Answers) to Incorporate Into Your Weekly Schedule
Consider a trivia night instead of family game night, or start a new weekly tradition with these trivia questions for kids.
I’ve curated a list of trivia questions that will challenge kids of all ages and skill levels and organized them by difficulty level. Kids could choose their question difficulty, or they could draw to determine what type of question they receive.
You can even take these questions and make it into a trivia quiz for kids.
Don’t forget to add music and a time limit to help spice up the game and draw even those most reluctant into the fun. To boost the brain power necessary, you could also require older kids to spell their answer.
Either way, you’ll likely be blown away by the unexpected tidbits your little ones have picked up! These also make excellent road trip games.
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Really into trivia questions? Pick up a book to bring in the car or get even more questions and answers!
True or False Kids Quiz Questions and Answers – Easy and Hard General Knowledge Trivia for Children and Family QuizzesNational Geographic Kids Quiz Whiz: 1,000 Super Fun, Mind-bending, Totally Awesome Trivia Questions
Kids Book of Questions: What do Animals Eat?: Trivia for Kids of All Ages – Animal Encyclopedia
Easy difficulty trivia questions (Ages 5-12)
Q: Tired people need what?
A: Sleep
Q: If you freeze water, you get what?
A: Ice
Q: Thirsty people need what?
A: Water
Q: Things fall when you drop them because of what?
A: Gravity
Q: Which is the largest living land animal?
A: The African elephant
Q: Which ocean is off the California coast?
A: The Pacific Ocean
Q: What color are the stars on the United States of America Flag?
A: White
Q: Who was the first President of the United States?
A: George Washington
Q: Eggs are great for what?
A: Baking or eating
Q: If something can stand up, they usually stand on their what?
A: Feet
Q: What do many children ride on to get to school and back?
A: A bus
Q: Who lives in a trash can on ‘Sesame Street’?
A: Oscar the Grouch
Q: What color does the sky often appear to be when it rains?
A: Gray
Q: What farm animal gives us milk to drink?
A: Cow or goat
Q: What does a teacher use to get chalk or marker off the board?
A: An eraser
Q: What animal purrs and is known for chasing mice?
A: A cat
Q: In the nursery rhyme, ‘Jack and Jill’, what do Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?
A: A pail of water
Q: What color are grass and leaves on trees?
A: Green
Q: What is it called when children go out to play during a break at school?
A: Recess
Q: Where does the President of the United States live, while in office?
A: The White House
Q: If you wanted to dig a hole, what tool would you use?
A: A shovel
Medium difficulty trivia questions (ages 12-15)
Q: Which athlete has won the greatest number of gold medals at a single Olympics, and how many?
A: Michael Phelps. He won 8 gold medals at the Beijing 2008 Olympic games.
Q: The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States by which country?
A: France
Q: Who improved the design of the modern-day incandescent light bulb?
A: Thomas Edison
Q: Which was the country that first made the use of paper money?
A: China
Q: Where did the Olympic Games originate?
A: Greece
Q: If you boil water, what do you get?
A: Steam
Q: Which fruit is the most popular and most consumed in the world?
A: Bananas – more than 40 tons of bananas are consumed annually.
Q: Which is the biggest spider in the world?
A: The tarantula. It lives in the Amazon basin.
Q: How many planets are in our solar system? Can you name them all?
A: There are eight planets in our solar system. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Q: Which is the smallest country in the world?
A: The Vatican, located in Rome.
Q: Ascorbic Acid is another name for which Vitamin? A, B or C?
A: Vitamin C.
Q: Which U.S. President is Barack Obama?
A: 44th, 54th or 64th? The 44th President of the United States
Q: Which singing voice is the highest pitch? Soprano, tenor or baritone?
A: Soprano
Q: Does the word ‘clandestine’ mean noisy, secret or colorful?
A: Secret
Q: In which year was the LEGO company founded? 1932, 1942 or 1952?
A: 1932
Q: Which is taller? The Eiffel Tower or The Statue of Liberty?
A: The Eiffel Tower (320 metres tall) is taller than The Statue of Liberty (93m tall)
Q: What was the last name of flight pioneers Orville and Wilbur?
A: Wright
Difficult kid trivia questions (ages 15-18)
Q: Who is the only athlete to win the Olympic marathon twice and in successive Olympic games?
A: Abebe Bikila
Q: Who was the 16th president of the United States?
A: Abraham Lincoln
Q: Where did the game of badminton originate?
A: It originated in the Indian city of Pune (or Poona, as it was known back then).
Q: Who was the first actor to have played the role of James Bond in the movie series?
A: Sir Sean Connery
Q: Which is the highest mountain in Africa?
A: Mount Kilimanjaro
Q: In which year was Alaska sold to the U.S.?
A: 1867
Q: Where do apricots originate from?
A: China. Alexander the Great imported them to Europe over 2,000 years ago.
Q: Which beans did Mexicans once use as payment for goods and services?
A: Mexicans used cocoa beans not only as food but also used them as payment.
Q: Where is the highest building in the world?
A: In Dubai. It is 830m/2,722ft tall and has 163 floors/stories.
Q: Which is usually named as the most famous museum in the world?
A: The ‘Louvre’ Museum in Paris/France is also the largest museum in the world.
Q: In which sport might you ‘spike’ and ‘block’? Fencing, volleyball or golf?
A: Volleyball
Q: What percentage of our body weight is water? 40%, 60% or 80%?
A: Approximately 60%
Q: A scientist who studies rocks is called a what?
A: A geologist
Q: About how long does it take the Moon to revolve the Earth?
A: One month
Q: It is impossible for most people to do what to their elbow?
A: Lick their own elbow
Q: What is the name of the outermost layer of skin?
A: Epidermis
Q: Of the six noble gases, which is the lightest?
A: Helium
Q: Which would be most attracted to a magnet? Copper, iron or aluminum?
A: Iron
Q: This forms lava and igneous rocks and is found under the Earth’s crust What is it?
A: Magma
Q: What are there about 700 of in the human body, including biceps and triceps?
A: Muscles
Q: What could make Harry Potter invisible for a day?
A: Invisibility Cloak
These are a lot like Trivial Pursuit Questions for Kids, so your family might have a great time with one of the family or kid editions of the game.
Trivial Pursuit Family Edition GameTrivial Pursuit Party Game
Trivial Pursuit for Kids – Volume 6 Board Game
Trivial Pursuit For Kids Nickelodeon Edition
Kids have a great time with trivia questions and if you can make it a family affair, everybody will have a good time.
Want more trivia? We have some great Disney’s Frozen Trivia as well (and yes, answers, too!). Click the picture to get it!
Even more trivia with Frozen 2 Trivia (questions and answers).
This is a great idea for the car. I am good at trivia until it comes to questions about areas in Canada. The answer is always British Columbia as far as I am concerned.
The largest spider in the world is actually the Goliath Bird-Eater, which can have one-inch fangs and grow up to one foot.
Thank you for the info. From what I’ve found and read, the goliath bird-eater is actually a type of tarantula.
Thanks for the questions Krystyn, me and my little one enjoyed them.
P.S. I always thought the Olympics Games were invented by the Romans, therefore Italy would have been my answer. Ups!